[tcrc-fd] FD 2014 Planning

J Ramos joshramos04 at gmail.com
Tue May 27 18:25:23 CDT 2014

Hi all,

New ham and new TCRC member here. I didn’t make last week’s planning meeting, but I did want to chime in and say that I’d like to attend. I plan on attending the entire event and can help with setup, teardown & cooking if any more help is needed in that area.

I can bring all the station gear with the exception of the generator as I don’t own one. My plan was to operate off batteries for as long as possible unless I have to stop and charge. For antennas and whatnot, I have a Buddipole 18’ mast and a handful of various inverted vees. As far as operation goes, I lean more towards SSB on my FT-897.

First Field Day for me, and I’m looking forward to it. I’m more than happy to help out however I can.

Thanks, and I’ll be monitoring the email list.

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