[tcrc-fd] Field Day

David Fujiki Ventura dave at networkliving.com
Tue Jun 25 12:43:46 CDT 2013

Hello Craig,

I hope you enjoyed Field Day with the Iowa crew.

I can only report results for the SSB station - Station 2.

There were technical issues, making it difficult to make contacts. 

The total count for Station 2 was 50 contacts.

BUT... I am sure that if your were with us, you would have toughed it out and made hundreds of contacts :-).

We will discuss the technical issues at tonights after-action meeting.

73 de Dave - KE0NA

----- Original Message -----
From: Craig Larsen <kc0dmf at tcrc.org>
To: Tanna Morse <towncountrygal61 at gmail.com>
Cc: David Fujiki Ventura <dave at networkliving.com> , Pat Cain KØPC <k0pc at arrl.net> , TCRC Board <board at tcrc.org> , Brett Knudson <brettknudson at gmail.com> , TCRC Field Day List <tcrc-fd at tcrc.org>
Date: Tuesday, June 25 2013 09:57 AM
Subject: Re: [tcrc-fd] Field Day
So what did we have for QSO count?  Does anyone remember?

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 11:14 PM, Craig Larsen <kc0dmf at tcrc.org> wrote:
Congratulations to all who participated at the TCRC FD!  Sounds like it was a great success.



On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 10:58 PM, Tanna Morse <towncountrygal61 at gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you , Dave, for volunteering to gather and submit the TCRC'S scores to the ARRL for Field Day.  Thank you once again, to all of our participants, for your enthusiastic and tireless participation for a successful Field Day event!
Tuesdays coffee will include an informal discussion about this past weekend's event and I look forward to seeing you all.
Tanna, KC0URO

On Jun 24, 2013 10:44 PM, "David Fujiki Ventura" <dave at networkliving.com> wrote:
Hello all,

We finally have power restored at our house (woo-hoo).

Thank you Tanna for all the hard work YOU did to make the TCRC field day a success (FUN, FOOD and Operating) :-) .

I would like to propose that this coming Tuesday's coffee meeting include an after-action meeting (informal) to discuss what went right, what did not, and how we can make next year's field day even better.

I will volunteer to tally the score and submit to the ARRL, unless someone else has been assigned this task.

Ben Huset (Radio City) took some very nice photo's of our field day event.

Here is the link to Ben's photos:


Thanks to Doug Ayes and Pat Cain for operating the CW station - I am certain they generated the most points for the club.

John Toscano was our lone VHF/UHF operator this year, he worked tirelessly the whole contest period. Here is his posting from Facebook:

"Field Day 2013 is in full swing. When last I checked, my VHF station had more contacts and points than Station #2, which is almost unheard of. It appears that my 3 bands (50, 144, & 432 MHz) are all working as they should. Made contacts with CO, WI, WV, NC, VA, SC, MA, PA, NY, CT, & of course MN." - Great job John!

A special thanks and congratulations  to Bret Knudson - N0BAK, who just got his General ticket at the last VARC VE session and then attended our Field Day and logged the most  SSB contacts (32% of total) of all our operators - way to go Bret!

Thanks to the GOTA coaches Artie and John who got my nephew Justin on the air, It will be an important memory to him the for the rest of his life.

73, Dave - KE0NA
TCRC Vice President

Original Message:
From: Tanna Morse <towncountrygal61 at gmail.com>
To: tcrc-fd at tcrc.org, Doug Ayers <DAyers1324 at aol.com>, Brett Knudson <brettknudson at gmail.com>, K0PC at arrl.net, tosca005 at tc.umn.edu
Date: Monday, June 24 2013 09:51 PM
Subject: [tcrc-fd] Field Day
Dear fellow hams,
Let me say a heartfelt thank you for your hard work and perseverance during this ARRL Field Day event for the TCRC.  Your time, expertise and the extraordinary efforts you made under trying atmospheric conditions and the long hours of operation are deeply appreciated.  One nice thing about operation with our radio club is the prevailing attitude that this event should be fun.  I hope you enjoyed participating in this event with the TCRC!
On a different note, the coffee that was in the kitchen contained a measuring spoon inside.  Whomever had the coffee may certainly keep it if you would like, however, I would be very happy to take that tablespoon off your hands.
We will compile our scores for this years event and submit them to the ARRL.  Next June will bring another fun and fabulous Field Day weekend and I hope you will all be there!

Tanna, KC0URO
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