[tcrc-fd] Field Day

Craig Larsen kc0dmf at tcrc.org
Tue Jun 25 09:56:58 CDT 2013

So what did we have for QSO count?  Does anyone remember?

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 11:14 PM, Craig Larsen <kc0dmf at tcrc.org> wrote:

> Congratulations to all who participated at the TCRC FD!  Sounds like it
> was a great success.
> 73,
> /craig
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 10:58 PM, Tanna Morse <towncountrygal61 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Thank you , Dave, for volunteering to gather and submit the TCRC'S scores
>> to the ARRL for Field Day.  Thank you once again, to all of our
>> participants, for your enthusiastic and tireless participation for a
>> successful Field Day event!
>> Tuesdays coffee will include an informal discussion about this past
>> weekend's event and I look forward to seeing you all.
>> 73,
>> Tanna, KC0URO
>>  On Jun 24, 2013 10:44 PM, "David Fujiki Ventura" <dave at networkliving.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> We finally have power restored at our house (woo-hoo).
>>> Thank you Tanna for all the hard work YOU did to make the TCRC field day
>>> a success (FUN, FOOD and Operating) :-) .
>>> I would like to propose that this coming Tuesday's coffee meeting
>>> include an after-action meeting (informal) to discuss what went right, what
>>> did not, and how we can make next year's field day even better.
>>> I will volunteer to tally the score and submit to the ARRL, unless
>>> someone else has been assigned this task.
>>> Ben Huset (Radio City) took some very nice photo's of our field day
>>> event.
>>> Here is the link to Ben's photos:
>>> https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.566114683439661.1073741826.125157814202019&type=1
>>> Thanks to Doug Ayes and Pat Cain for operating the CW station - I am
>>> certain they generated the most points for the club.
>>> John Toscano was our lone VHF/UHF operator this year, he worked
>>> tirelessly the whole contest period. Here is his posting from Facebook:
>>> "Field Day 2013 is in full swing. When last I checked, my VHF station
>>> had more contacts and points than Station #2, which is almost unheard of.
>>> It appears that my 3 bands (50, 144, & 432 MHz) are all working as they
>>> should. Made contacts with CO, WI, WV, NC, VA, SC, MA, PA, NY, CT, & of
>>> course MN." - Great job John!
>>> A special thanks and congratulations  to Bret Knudson - N0BAK, who just
>>> got his General ticket at the last VARC VE session and then attended our
>>> Field Day and logged the most  SSB contacts (32% of total) of all our
>>> operators - way to go Bret!
>>> Thanks to the GOTA coaches Artie and John who got my nephew Justin on
>>> the air, It will be an important memory to him the for the rest of his life.
>>> 73, Dave - KE0NA
>>> TCRC Vice President
>>> -------------------------
>>> Original Message:
>>> From: Tanna Morse <towncountrygal61 at gmail.com>
>>> To: tcrc-fd at tcrc.org, Doug Ayers <DAyers1324 at aol.com>, Brett Knudson <
>>> brettknudson at gmail.com>, K0PC at arrl.net, tosca005 at tc.umn.edu
>>> Cc:
>>> Date: Monday, June 24 2013 09:51 PM
>>> Subject: [tcrc-fd] Field Day
>>> Dear fellow hams,
>>> Let me say a heartfelt thank you for your hard work and perseverance
>>> during this ARRL Field Day event for the TCRC.  Your time, expertise and
>>> the extraordinary efforts you made under trying atmospheric conditions and
>>> the long hours of operation are deeply appreciated.  One nice thing about
>>> operation with our radio club is the prevailing attitude that this event
>>> should be fun.  I hope you enjoyed participating in this event with the
>>> TCRC!
>>> On a different note, the coffee that was in the kitchen contained a
>>> measuring spoon inside.  Whomever had the coffee may certainly keep it if
>>> you would like, however, I would be very happy to take that tablespoon off
>>> your hands.
>>> We will compile our scores for this years event and submit them to the
>>> ARRL.  Next June will bring another fun and fabulous Field Day weekend and
>>> I hope you will all be there!
>>> 73,
>>> Tanna, KC0URO
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