[tcrc-fd] regarding the food at field day

Susan M. Keith suemsw at visi.com
Sat Jun 21 09:13:41 CDT 2014

Hello TCRC Field Day attendees,

Below is the list of supplies for our Field Day foods. We are planning for coffee and baked goods at about 11 on Saturday, the BBQ / potluck at 5 pm Saturday, and a Waffle breakfast at 7:30 am Sunday. We will have sandwiches or leftovers for a tear down lunch about 11:30 on Sunday as well.

     I am seeking donations to complete our supplies. I will be shopping at Sam's club the day before Field Day and could easily pick up items for you if you would prefer to donate in cash. We will also put out a donation jar at the event. I hope to cover most of the cost of the food with donations to avoid using valuable club assets the are needed for repeater repairs. Thanks! KD0YLR

Free Caribou Coffee and baked goods (Saturday am)  Sue 

Meats - TCRC funded, picked up by Sue

Paper plates, table covers, and plastic ware, club funded picked up by Sue

Crockpot of ribs- Kelvin

Buns and condiments -Josh

Sodas and bottled water - need a donation

Potato salad or other salads- need a donation

Chips- need a donation

Veggie trays - need  a donation

Fruits - need a donation

Breakfast waffle supplies- Dave

Breakfast waffle toppings (strawberries and whipped cream) - Ken

Sunday Coffee and coffee maker - Lars

Other potluck donations welcome

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